
Our constitution in a nutshell: (see attached for a copy of the full constitution)

Our goals:

  • Protection and promotion of the common interests of our members
  • Maintain and improve health, sanitation, safety and general welfare conditions.
  • Maintain an "open" channel for the "full" Summer Season between Little Lake and Georgian Bay.
  • Furtherance of recreational facilities.
  • Negotiate all matters of interest to the members of the Association with the Municipal Council, Provincial and Federal Governments.
  • Promote social activities among all residents of the area.
  • Handle efficiently and promptly all matters of common interest.
  • The fiscal year of the Association shall end May 31st.
  • There are four (4) officers:
    • President
    • Vice-President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
  • There are five (5) directors representing:
    • Barrow Bay Proper (North Shore Road along Georgian Bay)
    • South Shore of Little Lake
    • North shore of Little Lake and Channel Road
    • West shore of Little Lake
    • McKague Road, County Road #9 and surrounding roads
  • Terms are two (2) years for officers and directors who are nominated and elected at the annual meeting
  • Any five (5) members constitute a quorum at meetings
  • Routine expenses under $100 can be spent on the order of President or Vice President
  • Expenses between $100 and $750 also need consent of the executive
  • Expenses over $750 also need consent of the membership at the annual meeting or a special meeting
  • Contracts require at least two (2) tenders / bids
  • The annual meeting agenda:

The following order of business shall be observed at the annual meeting.

1. Reading of minutes of the last meeting.

2. Reading of report of President.

3. Reading of reports of Directors.

4. Reading of report of Secretary.

5. Reading of report of Treasurer.

6. Auditor’s report

7. Reading of reports of Committee Chairmen.

8. Election of Officers.

9. Election of Directors.

10. Election of Auditor.

11. Approval of Major financial appropriations.

12. Unfinished Business.

13. Miscellaneous and new Business.