Your membership in BBPOA includes membership in FOCA and in Northern Bruce Coalition.:Your benefits include:
- Free, unlimited use of the private boat ramp at 12 Channel Road.
- Free and clear access for your boats, through the Barrow Bay channel, through our dredging efforts.
- Special events, including the Annual General Meeting, Golf Tournament and The Family Picnic.
- Representation at the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula and council meetings.
- Opportunities to participate in environmental lake water monitoring and clean up programs.
- Competitive Insurance premiums for cottage, home, cars, boats by Cade/Travellers/Aviva.
- Representation at provincial and federal ministries (MNRF, MOECC, Hydro One).
- Discount subscription to Cottage Life Magazine.
- Free one year membership at the Canadian Canoe Museum in Ottawa.
- Cottage Succession Seminar Series (Family Cottage kept in the family).