Executive 2019
The officers of the association shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
All officers shall be nominated and elected for a period of two years, at the annual meeting of the association by the majority vote of those present or represented by proxy at such meeting.
In addition to the officers the Association shall elect, at the annual meeting, for a period of two years, five Directors who with the Officers shall constitute the "Executive Committee" of the Association, which Executive Committee shall govern the Association. These five Directors shall be elected to represent the following residential areas:
• One (1) Director from the residents who lives on Barrow Bay Proper.
• One (1) Director from the residents who lives on the South shore of Little Lake.
• One (1) Director from the residents who lives on the North shore of Little Lake and Channel Road.
• One (1) Director from the residents who lives on the West shore of Little Lake.
• One (1) Director from the residents who lives on McKague Road, County Road #9 and surrounding roads.
Any five members of the Executive Committee present at any Executive Committee Meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Questions arising at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes, and in cases of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have the deciding vote.